Nintendo DS Systems almost asked users to list their blood type

Nintendo preservation company Forest of Illusion recently shared information it gleaned from an old Nintendo DS firmware prototype. These kinds of discoveries are often interesting, as they can give fans an idea of ​​the decisions that were made before a piece of hardware was brought to market. In this case, Forest of Illusion discovered that the DS almost included a request for the user to list their blood type, along with the normal questions like gender and birthday! This inclusion likely caught a lot of users by surprise, which is probably why Nintendo ended up dropping it before the system was even released.

Images from this version of the DS firmware can be found in the tweet from @ForestIllusion embedded below.

Naturally, this revelation led to a lot of questions as to why Nintendo included this in the first place! Nintendo wasn’t worried about people playing the DS in dangerous locations or anything; This seems to be just a cultural difference between Japan and the West. As a Twitter user @employee Indicates that this is actually not uncommon in Japan, as Bandai’s WonderSwan and WonderSwan Color systems have asked users the same question. While it may seem strange to users here, Japanese fans probably won’t think twice about it.

This week saw some interesting revelations about the Nintendo DS portable! During its tenure, Nintendo has released a lot of great new entries in its franchises, including New Super Mario Bros.And the Animal Crossing: Wild WorldAnd the Pokemon black and white. The system has not received its own entry in the Super Smash Bros. franchise. , but THQ tried to make a Marvel game inspired by the fighter. In the title will be characters like Captain America, Thor, Iron Man and Hulk against each other. Licensing issues forced the game developer to quickly shift focus, shifting halfway from a completed fighting game to a street brawl. Readers interested in learning more about the DS game can do so here.

Are you a Nintendo DS fan? Do you think users would feel weird about having their blood type listed? Tell us in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @employee To talk about all things gaming!



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